03/30/2020 / By Mike Adams
This is an analysis based on current knowledge, not from any published study (yet), but based on everything we know so far, we believe the vast majority of people dying from the coronavirus have one or more of the following things in common:
#1) Chronic zinc deficiency, often stemming from over-consumption of processed foods that lack minerals
#2) Hypertension (high blood pressure)
3) Taking prescription medications (specifically, high blood pressure meds)
We believe these things based on rational observations of who is currently being hit the hardest by the coronavirus. The hypertension link to coronavirus fatalities has been widely reported. Even weeks ago, Bloomberg.news ran a story entitled, “Top Coronavirus Doctor in Wuhan Says High Blood Pressure Is Major Death Risk.” That story reports:
Patients with hypertension appear to be at a higher risk of dying from the coronavirus, said a top Chinese intensive care doctor who’s been treating critically ill patients since mid-January.
Of a group of 170 patients who died in January in Wuhan — the first wave of casualties caused by a pathogen that’s now raced around the world — nearly half had hypertension.
In the United States, according to the American Heart Association, around 100 million Americans have high blood pressure. The vast majority of those people are “treating” their symptoms with blood pressure medication. (It’s all a medical fraud, of course, since medication doesn’t really “treat” high blood pressure. Rather, it masks the symptoms to create the illusion of improved health.)
Americans take more medications than any other country in the world, and that’s one reason why we believe the case fatality rate in the USA may end up being significantly higher than the world average.
We also know that a zinc deficiency results in a physiological environment that allows the coronavirus to replicate very rapidly. A study published in a PLoS medical journal found that zinc “inhibits coronavirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro”. That means zinc blocks the replication machinery of the virus.
Furthermore, the symptoms of COVID-19 appear to be almost exactly the same as symptoms of zinc deficiency. This was pointed out by Bill Sardi who published a chart of the symptoms list.
Zinc deficiency also explains why so many younger athletes are dying from the coronavirus infections: Intense exercise causes loss of zinc through sweating, and if those individuals aren’t replacing the lost zinc through supplementation, they can become chronically deficient in zinc.
Zinc deficiency is actually one of the biggest money makers for Big Pharma, since having low zinc levels results in symptoms that get diagnosed as diabetes and other diseases. As explained by Prevention.com:
Zinc deficiency has been linked to a slew of health conditions, like diabetes, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, and more. The potential connection? Zinc keeps your immune system humming along and promotes healthy cell growth. When you don’t get enough of it, your body can’t fight the effects of harmful free radicals and inflammation spikes, two risk factors that have been tied to chronic disease, says Dr. Prasad.
Other symptoms of zinc deficiency include slow healing, skin disorders, balding, poor vision and even difficulty with hearing or your sense of smell. Notably, COVID-19 is causing people to lose their sense of smell almost entirely.
Finally, many medications actually rob the body of zinc, which creates increased vulnerability to coronavirus for individuals who are taking multiple prescription medications.
High blood pressure itself is a risk factor for increased coronavirus fatalities, and blood pressure medications themselves also add an increased risk of death to the patient. Even mainstream medicine news sources like Medical News Today openly write about the toxicity and death risk from blood pressure medications:
Scientists at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Salt Lake City, UT, found that individuals with hypertension who used alpha blockers and alpha-2 agonists to control their blood pressure showed an increase in blood pressure variability, which could increase mortality risk.
Lead study author Dr. Brian Clements and team have recently presented their findings at the 2018 American College of Cardiology (ACC) Scientific Sessions, held in Orlando, FL.
According to the new study from Dr. Clements and colleagues, certain types of medication that are used to lower blood pressure may be contributing to this mortality risk.
There are far safer alternatives for naturally lowering blood pressure, of course. Potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure more safely than prescription medications, and even cacao (chocolate) is known to lower blood pressure better than prescription drugs.
Yet blood pressure drugs are widely overprescribed because they generate profits for Big Pharma and kickbacks for doctors.
We are confident that as more data become available, they will show that the vast majority of coronavirus deaths are occurring in individuals with these three underlying causes, one of which is a simple zinc deficiency that can be treated and corrected for pennies per day.
Although other co-morbidity factors exist — such as diabetes, stroke and CHD — the most common factors are likely going to end up being high blood pressure (hypertension) and zinc deficiency.
Yet Big Pharma controls the medical establishment, the fake news media and even the White House, which means you’ll never hear a word about zinc or the dangers of blood pressure medications. Big Tech censors all information and natural remedies, treatments or cures for the coronavirus other than pharmaceuticals and vaccines, since the tech giants are all “pharma whores.”
The coronavirus, in fact, could accurately be described as almost a binary weapon system that only kills people who rely on pharmaceuticals and avoid nutrition. In order to die from the coronavirus, you almost have to be someone who thinks nutrition is a hoax but pharmaceuticals are necessary. That’s who is largely dying from coronavirus right now, all across the world.
No government in the world is recommending zinc, vitamin C, magnesium or healthy living. Without a single exception, every government in the world is peddling (non-existent) vaccines and prescription medications as the only possible treatments for coronavirus.
All the deaths taking place right now are, in effect, deaths of ignorance, not deaths from the coronavirus alone. It is lack of knowledge and insane levels of censorship that are killing humanity right now. If everyone could read Natural News, we could help save millions of lives, halt the replication of the virus and get the economies of our world back to active status in record time.
But of course, that’s not what the globalists want. They want mass death, economic destruction, desperation, enslavement and widespread human suffering. And they hold out a vaccine like a carrot on a stick, hoping you will endure months of brutal lockdowns in the hope of one day being offered a “vaccine cure” that will probably kill you, by the way.
That’s because the globalists are at war with humanity, and censorship of natural cures is an even higher priority to them than censorship of political speech. That’s why we were censored even before Alex Jones was censored: Because we teach people how to avoid disease, survive pandemics and escape the medical tyranny of the authoritarian vaccine regime that will soon be coming for you, door to door, with a needle at the ready and a gun pointed at your head, demanding you take the mandatory coronavirus vaccine or lose all your rights as a citizen.
That day is coming soon. You can count on it. And if you refuse the coronavirus vaccine, you will be kidnapped and thrown in a quarantine death camp reserved for “anti-vaxxers” who will be painted as mass murderous and evildoers who are a threat to public health.
That’s why we all need to spread the word about zinc… so we can defeat this virus before the vaccine even comes into existence. By doing that, we deny the vaccine industry their hoped-for “savior” scenario where they can introduce the vaccine as the infections are already waning, then claim that “vaccines saved humanity.” They pulled the same trick with polio, after all, and most doctors and scientists alive today still believe the polio vaccine propaganda.
Our world is still living under the authoritarian tyranny of Big Pharma, and that’s the real reason why tens of thousands are dying from the coronavirus right now. Maybe it’s time for humanity to choose a different future for a change.
Read more at Pandemic.news.
Tagged Under:
coronavirus, high blood pressure, immune system, infections, medication, outbreak, pandemic, prevention, zinc
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