04/10/2020 / By Mike Adams
It’s now clear that the authoritarians are gleeful about the coronavirus lockdowns, and as much as those lockdowns worked to break the exponential cycle of viral replication, we now have the knowledge to end them in a sensible way that protects public health.
Yet there seems to be no desire to end them. One of my growing concerns in all this is that Democrat-run cities and states are quite frankly enjoying the tyrannical rule that allows “authorities” to arrest anyone for jogging, bicycling, sunning alone on the beach or engaging in isolated activities that present no risk whatsoever to anyone else.
The Democrat-led lockdowns are also devastating the US economy, playing right into the hands of left-wing politicos who want to see Trump defeated as Americans suffer the fallout of economic collapse.
That’s why ending the lockdowns in a sensible way must now become the rallying cry for all Americans. If we don’t end the lockdowns soon, the authoritarian tyrants will grow accustomed to their new power over the people, and they will never relinquish it.
We can end the lockdowns this month (April) if President Trump would simply tell America to do a few simple things:
Sadly, Trump has surrounded himself with Big Pharma puppets like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, and they appear to be deliberately blocking any talk of non-vaccine interventions in order to keep America locked down, suffering and dying, until a vaccine is ready to “save the day.”
Democrat political leaders, meanwhile, are salivating over their new power to arrest people for merely leaving their homes. And they want the lockdowns to continue through November so they can pull off a nationwide election fraud vote-by-mail scheme that would add perhaps 20 million fraudulent votes to Democrats nationwide.
Making things worse, most of the pro-Trump, pro-America media has no clue about nutrition and feels that wearing masks means submitting to globalist control. So they refuse to take supplements that can help stop the spread of the virus and they refuse to wear masks in public, almost as a form of “resistance.”
To end the lockdowns without taking sensible precautions to halt further spread of the virus would be national suicide.
The only way to end the lockdowns without unleashing an immediate second wave of the virus is to do so with strict adherence to the precautions I’ve outlined here, yet I seem to be one of the very few voices across independent media that’s calling for this sensible approach.
Sadly, much of the independent media went from the “it’s a genetically engineered biological weapon” narrative to the new, “it’s a total hoax and all the deaths are being faked” narrative in just one month.
Obviously, the coronavirus can’t be a biological weapon one month and then a total hoax the next month, but that’s what many of the pro-Trump independent media outlets are now trying to claim.
That isn’t helpful. We cannot defeat this virus and halt the globalist vaccine mandate agenda unless we recognize the virus is real.
We must take steps to halt the spread, even as we end the lockdowns. The R0 value of the virus — now estimated at 3.89 — means it is highly infectious and spreads easily in indoor environments. If we end the lockdowns without taking precautions, we will put America back on track to millions of deaths and a final, devastating economic collapse that would destroy the nation.
Sadly, it seem that we are living through Idiocracy where no one in charge has any clue about nutrition, medicine or science. So the decisions being made today are horribly misinformed and doomed to fail. And those of us who have legitimate answers to help save lives and save the economy are, of course, exhaustively censored and de-platformed by the communist-run tech giants.
Thus, my analysis on where all this is headed is quite simple:
As much as I try to help avert those catastrophic outcomes, that’s exactly where we are headed thanks to:
So you can pretty much count on all possible solutions being utterly rejected, leading to FEMA camps for the masses, widespread starvation and homelessness, a vaccine police state rollout and the collapse of the US dollar, followed by the end of America.
That about sums up where we are headed.
Tagged Under: freedom, infections, liberty, lockdowns, outbreak, pandemic, quarantine, Tyranny
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