04/20/2020 / By Mike Adams
Over the weekend, protesters in Austin and Denver demanded an end to the lockdowns. They carried signs that said things like, “It’s a HOAX” and almost universally refused to wear masks. This is what happens when the left-wing media lies to the nation, year after year, about climate change and carbon dioxide: When a real event comes along, no one believes the media anymore.
So now we have nearly half the country — the pro-Trump conservatives — who believe the virus is a hoax and that masks aren’t necessary since the virus isn’t real in the first place, they think. So they’re taking to the streets while the same left-wing media that fabricated the entire Russia collusion hoax now calls the protesters anti-science “covidiots.”
For the record, we support freedom of speech and also encourage people to wear masks in crowds, since masks work to help stop the spread. That’s how Taiwan was able to keep the coronavirus under control, without resorting to aggressive lockdowns. Truth be told, we could end the lockdowns if everybody would wear a mask and practice social distancing.
But with the protesters refusing to wear masks, it doesn’t look like the lockdowns will end any time soon. The more the people refuse to wear masks, the more aggressive the lockdown enforcement will become.
Masks or no masks, we are anticipating an escalation of these protests. Three things are likely to happen:
#1) Some people who attend these protests will get infected with the coronavirus at the protests. The left-wing media will aggressively seek out such cases in order to report how the protests are spreading the virus. Facebook has already announced today they are banning all accounts of anyone who promotes anti-lockdown protests. How’s that for free speech? Too bad Trump hasn’t done a single thing to fight against the tyrannical censorship of the tech giants…
#2) The frequency and size of these protests will increase until the lockdowns end. In the minds of many Americans, they’re losing everything anyway (their job, their savings, maybe their home) so the risk of acquiring an infection is small compared to the certainty of financial ruin if they have to remain a prisoner in their own home.
#3) In reaction to the protesters not wearing masks, state law enforcement authorities will get more aggressive in making arrests and disrupting such protests. This may lead to clashes between law enforcement and protesters. There is a possibility that such clashes could turn increasingly violent.
It won’t be long, probably, before the left-wing media labels protesters “domestic terrorists.” They’ve already spotted a few Nazi flags in the crowds — probably put there by left-wing crisis actors who always use such events to try to portray Trump supporters as Nazis.
Prepare for a massive, coordinated false flag event to take place soon that will support the narrative of painting Trump supporters as terrorists.
Listen to my new podcast where I urge protesters to take sensible precautions like wearing masks:
What’s especially notable in all this is that these protests are merely a tiny preview of the nationwide uprising that will come when the dollar collapses, as all fiat currencies eventually fail. With the Federal Reserve printing trillions in new dollars, seemingly every few days now, the sudden and catastrophic demise of the dollar is a certainty. There is no outcome other than catastrophic collapse.
When that day comes, and the American people realize they’ve lost everything — their savings, their pensions, their cash, their small business bank accounts, etc. — you can expect to see a nationwide revolt with armed clashes and angry, desperate, starving people with AR-15s demanding the bankers and politicians be rounded up and hanged in the streets.
If things get crazy enough, there might be a nationwide shortage of rope.
We urge Americans to maintain peace and take sensible precautions when protesting. We cannot, however, condemn the protests in spirit, since it’s way past time that we saw the enslaved, censored, beaten-down masses finally take to the streets to demand some semblance of freedom. The real question is: Are they going to go all the way and demand an end to the fiat currency slave system that’s mostly responsible for the economic ruin that’s now unfolding?
The coronavirus may have been the catalyst, but it wasn’t the cause. The American people have been repeatedly looted by the banksters for generations. Maybe now the American people will finally wake up and realize the magnitude of the multi-generational theft that has been taking place for over a century.
Stay informed. Listen to the Health Ranger Report podcasts at Brighteon.com:
Tagged Under: coronavirus, freedom, infections, isolation, liberty, lockdowns, masks, outbreak, pandemic, President Trump, protests, quarantine
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