05/10/2020 / By Mike Adams
You’ve probably heard the bizarre claim that hospitals are faking all the covid-19 deaths because they’re being rewarded with extra compensation from Medicare. No one is really dying from coronavirus, the deniers claim, and all the official death figures are simply counting people who would have died anyway, they say.
But there are two glaring problems with that theory. The first and most obvious is that hospitals in lockdown zones (like New York City) have been steadily reporting substantial decreases in the number of covid-19 deaths since about April 10th (see the chart below). If hospitals were faking deaths to collect more money, wouldn’t they engineer the death numbers to go higher rather than lower?
In other words, do the pandemic denialists really want us to believe that hospitals hate money and want less of it?
After 7 weeks of aggressive lockdowns that prevented the person-to-person spread of the coronavirus, New York announced today that hospitalizations have fallen to mid-March levels for the first time since the lockdowns began. On Saturday, 521 people were hospitalized with coronavirus infections and 207 died. These are the best numbers New York has seen in nearly two months. At the peak of the deaths, New York was seeing nearly 1,000 people die each day, and hospitals were stretched way beyond normal capacity.
It turns out that the lockdowns just narrowly averted a colossal disaster of mass death in New York. Had Gov. Cuomo waited even one more week to initiate those lockdowns, the number of dead would have reached nearly 4,000 per day by around April 17th. That’s because the virus was doubling the number of infected about every 3.5 days, which means a one week delay would have quadrupled the number of people infected. And by the end of April, New York would have been seeing around 16,000 deaths per day.
As the record shows, the deaths in New York peaked at around April 10th, which is roughly a 3-4 week lag time after the lockdowns were initiated. There’s a critical lesson in this that many states have already learned: Even after you initiate the lockdowns, hospitalizations and deaths will continue to surge for another 3-4 weeks. After that, the numbers begin to fall off for the simple reason that fewer people are getting infected due to the social distancing lockdown measures.
Source: Covid19.healthdata.org
Pandemic denialists are at a loss to explain the drop in hospitalizations since April 10th. Many insist the coronavirus was no big deal from the start, claiming lockdowns weren’t necessary and don’t even work. But if you ask them to offer an explanation of why New York experienced a +299% increase in excess mortalities from any cause, and why nearly 1,000 people were dying every day during the peak of the coronavirus there, and why those deaths have significantly dropped after 7 weeks of lockdowns, they have no explanation that fits with observed reality.
They essentially claim that the lockdowns have nothing to do with the decline in coronavirus deaths. They quite literally believe that the sharp rise in deaths shown above was some sort of random, spontaneous event without cause. Similarly, they believe the decline in deaths also took place without cause. To people who don’t understand exponential math, many phenomena in the world around them appear to be random when, in reality, they all have initiating causes.
Don’t forget that these people claim hospitals are faking all the deaths because they get paid more for recording “covid-19” deaths. But if that’s true, then why would hospitals engineer sharp declines in those numbers rather than increasing them to collect more money?
Are these same denialists now going to tell us that hospitals are faking the declines for some reason? But what would be the financial incentive to fake declines in deaths? Or perhaps they’ll tell us that the hospitals have run out of fake deaths to fake…
Anyone can have a theory about anything. Theories are a dime a dozen. What matters isn’t the existence of a theory but rather how well the theory matches observed reality.
That’s why Flat Earth is a theory, but it fails to explain the movement of the sun, moon and stars, as well as the effects of gravity. Similarly, pandemic denialism is also a theory, but it fails to explain the sudden surge and then decline in coronavirus deaths that has now been observed all across the world, in over 100 countries. As documented by the Financial Times:
Excess mortalities in New York City:
Excess mortalities in Italy:
Excess mortalities in Spain:
Nearly a dozen other countries:
Would pandemic denialists now claim that hospitals in Italy and Spain are also being financially incentivized by Medicare to falsely claim covid-19 deaths? Because that would be really be a tall tale.
Clearly, something has been killing people in a huge surge of mortalities, all around the world, all at nearly the same time, racking up death numbers that skyrocket far above typical mortalities.
The pandemic denialists want you to believe that a global conspiracy of doctors, nurses, coroners and hospitals is faking covid-19 deaths worldwide, all in concert, all on command, and that now they are all faking declines in deaths, too.
Occam’s Razor tells is the simpler explanation is probably more likely to be true: The deaths are being caused by a transmissible infection that spread around the world. The declines in deaths are being observed because most of the world initiated aggressive lockdowns to prevent a catastrophic outcome, and this caused the daily deaths to fall over time.
That’s why the deaths are falling: Because the lockdowns were a necessary survival mechanism, and had they not been put in place, the USA, all by itself, would already be seeing something like 25,000 deaths per day (or even higher). By July, we would have seen millions of deaths.
Of course, as we’ve repeatedly pointed out here, we can now lift the lockdowns if people would just wear masks and take vitamin D. We already know that if 80% of the population wears a mask, the virus spread grinds to a halt within just a few weeks. We also know that taking zinc, selenium and vitamin D offer substantial immune system protections that may further defend public health. Yet instead of people embracing these simple solutions to restore our freedoms and economic activities, we now face “anti-maskers” who refuse to wear masks, claiming the masks aren’t necessary because, as you might expect, they also claim all the deaths were faked in the first place.
At that point, you have to realize you’re dealing with a kind of shared delusion… a mass mental illness that has ravaged the minds of the misinformed (who listened to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News). If you can’t reason with these people and get at least 4 out of 5 to wear masks in public, the only available option is to re-initiate the lockdowns once the virus begins to spread again.
And that’s probably what’s coming, given that America is now a land of shared delusions and widespread scientific illiteracy. Desperate to deny reality by any means necessary, far too many people have decided the virus faded away all on its own, for no apparent reason, and that it will simply vanish without cause, never to haunt us again.
Stupid-19 has struck again.
America has become more of a land of superstition than a nation of intellect. When the masses have no idea why things happen — or why observed phenomena stop happening — then all events are a sudden surprise. (Which is exactly why the masses get wiped out in every stock market reset that’s actually a mass transfer of wealth from the financially ignorant to the financially prepared.)
It’s a true statement that the world is divided into two types of people: Those who can grasp exponential phenomena (maybe 1 in 1,000 people) and those who cannot (999 in 1,000).
All the exponential events that take place in the world around them — positive feedback loop stock market crashes, the acceleration of gravity, the spread of pandemics and the physics of nuclear fission in a nuclear bomb — are great mysterious to the 999 out of 1,000. The world is a blur of inexplicable events to these people, and they are always behind the curve when it comes to getting caught in a dollar collapse, or a stock market crash, or a pandemic. These people see events as spontaneous and random, when in reality, all events have an initiating cause. Identifying that cause, however, is simply beyond the mental comprehension of these people, so they only see the world as a series of random events usually attributed to luck.
There’s no such thing as luck. There is only cause and effect. Every physical event has a cause, even if those causes are beyond the mental cognition of the masses. The difficulty in all this is that emergent properties of complex systems are extremely difficult to model and predict. Complex systems include things like human physiology, global weather, or the stock market. In these complex systems, very tiny changes affecting inputs can have wildly magnified impacts on outcomes, often due to things like self-reinforcing feedback loops.
Ever wonder why supercomputers can’t accurately forecast the weather just 30 days out? Because there are too many “butterfly effect” interactions where very tiny changes in initial conditions produce extremely hard-to-predict final outcomes.
Exponential phenomena are often part of these complex systems, and such phenomena are found throughout nature, in things like the growth of bacteria or the spread of a virus. Because the human mind isn’t wired to accurately assess exponential phenomena — we tend to think in linear terms — almost no one can accurately estimate future outcomes that depend on exponential factors without resorting to mathematical modeling.
Importantly, when the cognitive demands to understand natural phenomena become too cognitively strenuous, people turn to superstition in a last-ditch attempt to explain the workings of the world around them. Playing the lottery might make them rich, they tell themselves, or getting caught in a global financial reset was just a matter of “bad luck.”
The coronavirus is faked, the Earth is flat, carbon dioxide is a pollutant and “climate change” is real. These are all delusional, cult-like beliefs being paraded around as facts when, in truth, they are superstitions that only achieve a seeming consensus because so many people buy into their false claims.
That’s because humanity is a suicide cult, as you’ve heard me say numerous times. The “suicide” part comes from the self-destructive nature of human expansion and ecological destruction that eventually turns back on the destroyers. The “cult” part comes from the tendency for intellectually suppressed individuals to surrender their beliefs to the consensus of their chosen cult rather than figure things out for themselves. There isn’t one person in a thousand living in America today who can think for themselves, against the cult of the consensus. And this is more obvious than ever, watching the disappointing reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
Watching conservatives latch on to the coronavirus “hoax” conspiracy is just as pathetic and bizarre as watching progressives celebrate post-birth abortions as some twisted form of “women’s reproductive health care.”
The question for you is: Are you among the ONE, or the one thousand? The ONE is willing to stand for truth against a thousand-strong delusional mob. But 999 will go with the mob because they want to be accepted rather than right. Obedience and acceptance, you see. That’s how nearly all human beings are wired, and that’s why nearly all humans work actually born to be enslaved. They’re wired for it. They have no cognitive capacity to escape the mental prison that has been constructed for them by all the disinfo strewn about by the fake news media sources, which spans all political parties and all industries.
It’s easy for people to chant “freedom” at a public protest as long as they’re followed orders and going along with the mob. But that isn’t freedom; it’s obedience and conformity.
What’s far more difficult and rare, it seems, is for someone to demand reason.
Tagged Under: coronavirus, covid-19, deaths, denialists, fatalities, infections, New York, outbreak, pandemic
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