05/12/2020 / By Mike Adams
President Trump and top Trump administration officials are setting the stage for wartime retaliation against communist China for China’s launching of biological warfare against the United States. The goal of this effort is to cause the collapse of the communist regime, which is widely known as the most evil, dishonest and malicious government on the planet.
Consider what we know so far:
Now, President Trump has correctly described the Wuhan coronavirus attack as a “Pearl Harbor” against the United States, saying, “This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center.” That’s important language to recognize, because it’s the language of war. Similarly, in numerous White House pandemic press briefings, Trump has referred to the pandemic as a “war.”
Now, we can add Peter Navarro’s comments to the mix, with Navarro saying recently on Fox & Friends:
“We are at war, make no mistake about that. The Chinese unleashed a virus on the world.”
The rhetoric against China from both Republicans and White House officials has become especially accusatory in recent days.
This is on top of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeatedly insisting there is “enormous evidence” that the Wuhan coronavirus was engineered in a Chinese lab. He also warns that China tried to hide the origins of the virus.
Mr Pompeo’s statements about the origins of the virus mirror the words of his boss, Donald Trump, who claimed last Thursday that he has seen evidence the coronavirus originated from a medical laboratory in Wuhan.
“We can confirm that the Chinese Communist Party did all that it could to make sure that the world didn’t learn in a timely fashion about what was taking place,” Mr Pompeo said. “We’ve seen the fact that they kicked the journalists out. We saw the fact that those who were trying to report on this, medical professionals inside of China, were silenced. They shut down reporting.In March, Beijing tightened its censorship process surrounding medical research of the virus and its origins. It has also taken down various scientific research papers on the virus that were previously published on the web.”
Finally, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon, an extremely high-IQ individual who has deep intelligence contacts in Taiwan, is now saying the communist regime (CCP) is headed for collapse.
In an interview with The Epoch Times, Bannon says: (emphasis added)
We don’t have to have the economy in China collapse. What we have to do is have the Chinese communist party collapse…
You may have some perturbations as China reorganizes and gets a new government. It will be like Eastern Europe and these places after the fall of the Soviet union. But think how great it would be with the Chinese people being free, having democracy and having true freedom and not having to have a firewall, not having to have social credit scores and not having everybody like the great hero, Dr. Li (who had to) face torture and had to sign a confession that he was a rumor monger. All that goes away. May the economy go down slightly? Yeah. The economy may go down. It’s not going to be perfect at first, but look, the economy is collapsing in China anyway because of the actions of the Chinese communist party and what they did in this pandemic.
The first quarter in China has been terrible. The second quarter has been terrible. The factories aren’t back up and the workers don’t feel safe. Remember we have another whole wave of this in China and it’s not affecting the guys in Beijing because they have total quarantine. If you go out to the fifth ring or sixth ring, you can’t get back into the area around the forbidden city. It’s like a quarantine, right? Because they want to protect themselves. They know how deadly this virus is. So this shows you the hypocrisy of the leadership of the Chinese communist party.
That’s what this pandemic, the good that can come out of this pandemic is the freedom of the Chinese people. And people have to understand if you support the Chinese communist party, you’re racist, if you support the Chinese communist party, you’re a xenophobe because you are supporting the worst people on earth to suppress the 1.4 billion people in China. And you’re going to be held accountable. Anybody that backs the regime is going to be held accountable. Okay? There’s absolutely no doubt this regime is going to fall. Just like the Nazis fell just like Mussolini and the fascists fell, just like the commissars and the Soviet union fell. They always fall. The Chinese communist party is the next one to get kicked into the dustbin of history.
It begs the question: Does Bannon know something about imminent action against China?
The upshot of all this is that Trump and his top officials are setting the stage for retaliatory action against China. Any form of retaliation would be justified under the truth that China launched the first attack wave against the United States by releasing the Wuhan coronavirus and then deliberately spreading it around the world, including to the United States.
The bioweapons attack has caused trillions of dollars in economic damage in the United States alone, and it has killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world — a number that will almost certainly turn to millions of deaths once the virus completes its rampage across Africa, Mexico and South America.
When attacked with a weapon of mass destruction from an enemy nation, the United States has many options for retaliatory strikes:
What’s clear is that before war is initiated, a war of words is used to establish the justification of the real war to follow. And that war of words is what we’re seeing now from Navarro, Pompeo and Trump himself. It’s a strong indication that acts of war are in the works and might be deployed without warning.
My recent interview with JR Nyquist provides further evidence that war with China may be imminent:
It is time, after all, for the world to isolate communist China and deliberately work to achieve the collapse of that evil, anti-human regime. The collapse of China would also set off enormous shockwaves of freedom around the world as China’s puppets — which include Google, Facebook, Twitter, the Vatican and more — all experience a simultaneous disconnect from the commie bosses who tell them what to do.
At least one-third of the US Congress would also experience sudden withdrawal, as they are communist puppets who do the bidding of China. And Sen. Feinstein’s office in California would find itself with nothing to do, since it only serves the interests of China, too.
The bottom line is that communist China’s existence is irreconcilable with human freedom, and the implosion of the communist regime would not only set free the 1.4 billion Chinese who live under the oppression of tyranny, it would also end communist China’s infiltration and control over countless institutions around the world that are now allied against humanity: Big Tech, the Vatican, US universities, the US Congress, Hollywood and so on.
In essence, China is the greatest enemy of humanity, and if Trump, Pompeo and others were to find a way to obliterate the communist Chinese regime while freeing the Chinese people, it would be the greatest gift to humankind that we could possibly imagine.
End the CCP. Free humanity. And read The Epoch Times.
Tagged Under: biological warfare, biological weapons, biowarfare, chaos, China, Collapse, communism, military, outbreak, pandemic, pentagon, President Trump, war, White House, World War III
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