05/21/2020 / By Mike Adams
During a recent interview on IAMTV, with Alan Keyes and Bob Sissen, three health freedom advocates offered a list of executive actions that President Trump could take to end Big Pharma’s death grip on the USA and save countless lives from the pharma “death industry.”
Dr. Judy Mikovits, Andreas Kalcker and myself, Mike Adams, offered a comprehensive list that could radically improved humanity’s survival, health and prosperity. Here’s a partial transcript from the video:
Judy Mikovits: The first thing to do is to end the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation act, which removes all liability. The second thing is a five-year moratorium on all vaccines until they’re tested safe and that’ll take a lot longer than five years. In those five years,everyone’s going to realize they have natural immunity and you’re going to see these diseases go away. Close the FDA. Close the CDC. Close the EPA. All of these corrupt organizations, reorganize them. Open them to give back the taxpayers their money to be able to use the medicines naturally.We’ll put Dr. David Lewis in charge of the EPA. He wrote the book Science for Sale uncovering the corruption in that industry. We can have Dr. Stephanie sent up there over the FDA. No more GMO, no more Roundup so he can do all these things and reject and end the Bayh–Dole Act… which government employees who are paid with taxpayer money for Health and Human Services to patent their work. No more patents. All the drugs belong to the people. All our brains belong to the people because you paid for our education, everything. That will turn around all of medicine to give it back all doctors equal. No more health insurance. $5000 tax-free account you can spend on anything you want. Your supplement, your cannabis, your chlorine dioxide. You can take care of your health just the way we used to when I was a little kid.
Mike Adams: In addition to that outstanding list, I would ask President Trump issue an Executive order expanding the First Amendment to cover truthful speech about nutritional supplements and natural interventions, alternative medicine, healing remedies. If it’s truthful, then it should not be criminal, obviously. If we just shut down the FDA and the FTC and the CDC that would solve the problem as well. Secondly, and this is something President Trump can issue right now, he can issue an Executive Order ordering the FDA to ban direct-to-consumer drug advertisements. They are illegal in almost every country in the world. If he were to do that, he would immediately halt the disease-mongering and the profiteering of the drug companies. He would cut off about 70 percent of the revenues to the fake news industries such as CNN that depends on pharma profits, which is why they are puppets of Big Pharma. He could do that with an Executive Order. Finally, I agree with Dr. Mikovits that patents, there should never be intellectual property claims over drugs. Drugs can be developed by universities. Most of the drug development that happens in the United States is actually funded by the NIH anyway, and drug companies simply exploit that free money so they can make billions off of patented drugs, which are really FDA-enforced drug monopolies. That needs to end.
Andreas Kalcker: I would put to that that when you have the patents, you cannot patent any living entity at all. Life is life and this is not patentable, and this is one of the things that has been put in the last time that has to be out of that. Because if you cannot patent a virus, there’s no business anymore. The next thing is that you can make the pharmaceutical compound. We don’t need the FDA-approved thing if chlorine dioxide is just approved as a pharmaceutical compound. It’s a very simple substance that can be used and prescribed by every doctor and be made in any simple pharmacy. That would be my dream and the dream of the world. We could end [the pandemic] in a very few months before even the elections. We could end all these drama of coronavirus.
Judy Mikovits: And restore our economy. These gross natural products. This HHS. This whole corrupt monster. Just knock it down. And give us back our freedom.
In the IAMTV video below, you can hear the suggestions for President Trump beginning at around 28:20.
Tagged Under: alternative medicine, CDC, FDA, health freedom, infections, naturopathy, outbreak, pandemic, President Trump, vaccines
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