07/17/2020 / By Mike Adams
There’s no question that elements of the coronavirus pandemic are being wildly exaggerated by mostly left-leaning mayors, governors and media pundits in order to punish America with economically destructive lockdowns (all in the hope of removing Trump from office, it turns out). We’ve even documented one of the most egregious deception efforts involving the Florida Dept. of Health, which has been rigging lab reports to claim 100% of those tested are “positive” for covid-19.
But it’s a mistake to leap to the conclusion that because left-wing operators hope to exaggerate the infections, hospitalizations and deaths that therefore the entire pandemic is a complete hoax and no one is dying from the coronavirus. That’s where the thinking is dangerously misguided and is already leading to complacency. Yet the idea that the entire coronavirus pandemic might be a hoax is a seductive one, especially on alternative platforms or conservative media, where it’s convenient to explain away all the economic damage as stemming from an elaborate hoax rather than to understand the complexities of a real pandemic augmented by fake news from the Left.
From Brighteon.com videos to InfoWars broadcasts, we repeatedly hear many people in independent media claiming the coronavirus is a “hoax.” There is no virus, they say, and all the infections, hospitalizations and deaths have all been faked, they claim. It’s all a grand, global theatrical production involving hundreds of thousands of nurses, doctors and coroners, all to trick the world into lockdowns that have no real justification, they tell us. This has become the dominant narrative in alt media.
But if that’s true, then how can there be a media cover-up regarding hydroxychloroquine, an off-patent, low-cost drug that successfully treats and cures coronavirus patients? If there’s no coronavirus, then what is hydroxychloroquine treating?
It’s easy to find reports of deaths being improperly attributed to covid-19, or even stories of false positives incorrectly flagging people with covid-19 when they really don’t have it. But the logic leap that many in the alternative media have taken is assuming that since some deaths were faked, therefore ALL deaths must have been faked.
Many of the same independent media sources that are reporting the coronavirus to be a “hoax” also reported on how Obama’s NIH, under Dr. Fauci, directed millions of dollars to the Wuhan virology lab to fund “gain-of-function” research. If the coronavirus is a hoax, and there is no coronavirus, then isn’t the Obama / Fauci / NIH story also completely bogus?
In fact, there are at least a dozen serious questions or contradictions that those who claim the coronavirus is a hoax can’t answer. Much of their reporting has been self-contradicting to the point where believing their news requires that you alternatively embrace the existence of the virus or denounce the virus as fake… depending on the day of the week.
But the coronavirus can’t be real on Monday, fake on Tuesday, real again on Wednesday and so on. Any explanation of coronavirus-related observations must, above all, deliver consistency. Unless, of course, you believe in transviralism, where viruses can magically pop into existence as easily as a biological man claiming he’s a woman so he can compete on the women’s college wrestling team.
For the record, we have consistently understood the coronavirus to be a very real threat, and we haven’t wavered from day one. While we acknowledge that much of the coronavirus testing is highly inaccurate — and hundreds of testing facilities seem to be deliberately finding all test to be “positive” in their results — even all that fraud doesn’t mean the coronavirus isn’t really impacting other people.
In watching the coverage of this issue by others, we’ve noticed twelve questions or contradictions that have repeatedly surfaced. See the full list below, and ask yourself this important question as you read through the list: Do logic and reason still apply in our universe?
Just as the radical Left claims biological sex doesn’t exist and a man can become a woman at any moment by making a wish, much of the conservative, independent media has an eerily similar view about the coronavirus, alternately claiming it’s either real or fake depending on what story they want to cover on that particular day.
Obviously, men can’t become women, and men can’t have babies. In the same way, the coronavirus can’t be both real and fake at the same time. So which is it?
Read the questions and decide for yourself:
Question #1) Many in the alternative media reported on the New York City nurse who filmed undercover video and blew the whistle on how NYC hospitals were killing patients by rooming non-infected patients with coronavirus-infected patients, allowing transmission to occur. But how can non-infected patients be killed by the coronavirus if the coronavirus is a hoax?
Question #2) Alternative media outlets that are currently reporting the coronavirus to be a “hoax” are also reporting on how the mainstream media lied and covered up the story of how hydroxychloroquine can effectively and affordably treat coronavirus patients. If the coronavirus is a hoax, then what exactly is hydroxychloroquine treating, then?
Question #3) Many in the independent media are now pushing “mask hysteria” and claiming that wearing a mask causes death by asphyxiation or carbon dioxide poisoning. Yet Asian cultures — Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, etc. — have been wearing masks in public for decades, without a single recorded event of someone dying from wearing a mask. Surgeons wear masks during surgery without passing out, and masks are routinely worn by construction workers to filter particular matter such as sawdust, drywall dust and paint. If these masks have been safe and effective for more than fifty years, how did masks suddenly and magically become deadly and toxic in the last three months? Did the laws of physics change?
Question #4) Coronavirus pandemic skeptics claim all the infections and deaths are faked. But if all the deaths are faked, then why did those who are faking the deaths decide to keep dropping the daily death numbers from mid April through the end of June? If they’re faking all the deaths, then wouldn’t they want to keep faking more and more of them to make the pandemic look worse and worse? Why would they fake fewer deaths over time?
Question #5) Many independent media outlets that originally reported the coronavirus was a “genetically engineered biological weapon” designed to depopulate the planet are now reporting it’s all a hoax. But then they simultaneously report that Obama’s NIH, under Dr. Fauci, directed money to the Wuhan virology lab that built the weapon in the first place. If the coronavirus is a hoax, then there’s no story about Obama and Fauci funding a biological weapon “gain of function” program in China. How can both be true?
Question #6) In June, it was widely reported across the independent media that coronavirus infections caused the body’s cells to “sprout tentacles” that allowed the virus to attack adjacent cells and infect them. This was widely reported as more evidence that the virus was a genetically engineered biological weapon. As an example of the coverage, Zero Hedge reported:
“There are long strings that poke holes in other cells and the virus passes through the tube from cell to cell,” said UCSF’s Director of the Quantitative Biosciences Institute, Professor Nevan Krogan. “Our hypothesis is that these speed up infection.”
So how can the coronavirus sprout “tentacles” if it doesn’t exist and is a total hoax?
Question #7: As Gary Heaven recently wrote in a Natural News article about coronavirus treatments that work, the common inhaler anti-inflammatory drug budesonide works extremely well to treat and cure covid-19 infections. A well-known doctor, Dr. Richard Bartlett, has been actively promoting the treatment as an alternative to expensive Big Pharma drugs and vaccines, proving that he’s not a pawn of the drug cartels:
If budesonide successfully treats patients who have covid-19, curing them and allowing them to leave the hospital and return to normal life, then what is budesonide treating if the coronavirus is a hoax? How can anyone simultaneously claim the coronavirus is a hoax and also claim the media is suppressing cures that work to treat it?
Question #8) Coronavirus skeptics explain that coronavirus deaths are faked in the United States because hospitals receive extra funding for every death that’s considered coronavirus-related. Thus, people who die from other causes are said to have died from coronavirus so that hospitals can receive extra funds from Medicare. But Medicare doesn’t pay hospitals in Italy, Brazil, Mexico or Russia, and the same financial incentives don’t exist in most countries. So how do you explain all the dead bodies in Guayaquil, Ecuador? Or the skyrocketing death rates in Brazil? Or the massive die-offs in Italy, where it would have been impossible to recruit thousands of doctors and nurses to participate in a grand false flag theatrical production?
Question #9) If the initial lockdowns didn’t work, then why did coronavirus daily deaths plummet soon after the lockdowns went into effect? And why are coronavirus deaths now beginning to surge back a few weeks after the lockdowns were relaxed? If the doctors, nurses, hospitals and coroners wanted to fake all the deaths, wouldn’t they want to keep faking more deaths, not fewer deaths?
Question #10) For months, we’ve been told by the independent media that “fear” is the problem, and that those talking about coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths were “pushing fear.” They said things like, “We need to flatten the fear curve,” and urged complete calm for everyone. Not long after, they turned around the told everybody you should be terrified of masks. So if “fear” is the enemy here, then why push fear about masks? Will all these same media pundits also tell us that children shouldn’t wear masks this Halloween and claim that children will drop dead all across America if they put on masks?
Question #11) If the coronavirus isn’t real, then why are many publishers who claim the pandemic is a “hoax” also telling people to take vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and anti-viral supplements? Obviously, if the pandemic is fake, there’s no need to protect yourself from it. So why recommend immune-boosting supplements in the first place?
Question #12) If masks are so dangerous and kill people, then why are so many pro-liberty people perfectly fine with wearing Guy Fawkes masks? What about Halloween masks?
If we are to deal with the very real coronavirus pandemic — which was deliberately set into motion by China, using a genetically engineered virus that was clearly weaponized to kill human beings — we must have the critical thinking skills to filter out the fake news exaggerations without succumbing to an emotional knee-jerk reaction of declaring the entire thing doesn’t exist.
Daily deaths in the United States are now on the upswing, with Texas achieving an all-time record high in daily deaths just yesterday. Even if the infection testing is obviously bogus, how do you account for the sharp increase in deaths? And if your answer is that “all the deaths are being faked,” then you have to ask yourself why Texas wasn’t faking just as many deaths in April, May and June. Why suddenly in the middle of July? Texas isn’t a “pro-lockdown” state, either.
Then again, the result of the complacency wasn’t difficult to see coming. Back in April, I publicly predicted that June and July would be “complacency” months, followed by a second wave in August if people didn’t take this pandemic seriously.
Even though the Case Fatality Rate appears to be slowly dropping, rising complacency is exposing so many people to the infections that daily deaths are on track to continue rising for quite some time.
It now looks like August and September and on track to see a sharp surge in hospitalizations and deaths, even as mostly conservative publishers continue to claim the coronavirus isn’t even real.
“Texas and Arizona are bringing in refrigerated trucks to expand morgue capacity in several counties across each state, after the number of coronavirus fatalities shattered records this week,” reports Fox News. “Reuters reported that San Antonio and Bexar County each received five refrigerated trailers to store up to 180 bodies as some hospital morgues and funeral homes have reached capacity.”
Is this all staged, too? Does anyone seriously believe counties and cities in Texas are faking refrigerated trucks as some sort of elaborate theater to make a grand hoax more convincing?
And if the number of deaths occurring in these places were simply “normal,” then the morgues wouldn’t be overrun in the first place. So no, this isn’t just people dying from regular causes magically being switched and labeled as “covid-19 deaths.”
Clearly, more people are dying than usual. Via Fox News:
The Office of the Medical Examiner said it is currently at 63 percent morgue capacity but has brought in 14 cold storage containers– eight being held at the County facility and six more in reserve– that would allow an additional 294 decedents by the end of next week “if necessary,” Fields Moseley, a spokesperson for Maricopa County, told Fox News.
“We know some funeral homes are already at capacity in their morgues, so we want to be prepared in case we have to keep bodies for a longer period of time,” Moseley said.
Anyone calling the coronavirus a hoax is a fool, and this is about to become increasingly apparent over the next 3-4 months as the path of the coronavirus continues to follow almost exactly what I publicly predicted in April. It also means that you can expect a wave of lockdowns to continue to spread across America as hospitalizations and deaths accelerate.
We could have stopped this entire thing with zinc, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine and wearing masks in public places. But instead, America has become so stupid and irrational that, instead, we are going to endure a devastating second wave of deaths and lockdowns that will probably devastate our economy and end in the total collapse of the United States of America.
I have a new, nine-hour audio book coming out soon that you can download for free. It’s called the “Global Reset Survival Guide,” and it might be the last audio book you’ll ever manage to download before the entire system craters. Here’s my podcast explaining what’s in this book and how you can be alerted to download it for free:
Sharable link:
Tagged Under: coronavirus, hoax, infections, outbreak, pandemic, President Trump, realhealth, realmedicine, realscience
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