12/04/2021 / By News Editors
Hallucinations, anxiety, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide are some of the several psychiatric disorders following COVID shots that were reported in more than 100,000 cases.
(Article republished from GreatGameIndia.com)
As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, a shocking case of vaccine adverse event was documented where a healthy 20 year old young woman suffered acute psychosis one week after receiving Pfizer COVID vaccine.
Her blood pressure was high and she still had a racing heart, so she was admitted to the hospital. The following day, she took off her clothes in the hospital and proceeded to defecate on the floor.
While researchers describe this as “first instance of anti-NMDAR encephalitis after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine,” other reports of a sudden onset of psychosis after COVID vaccination have already been reported and documented.
A report published in Psychiatry Research in October describes a 31-year-old single Hispanic office manager who was rushed by police to an emergency room for “erratic and bizarre behavior”.
He was anxious, guarded and claiming to be a “clairvoyant” able to communicate with the dead, hearing “people drumming outside his house” and a constant voice of a colleague he believed to be his lover, but had no romantic relationship with.
Symptoms began a month earlier as he received his first dose of mRNA based COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports from doctors at Stony Brook University and Northport Veteran Administration Medical Center in New York City.
They gradually got worse until he was admitted to the neurology department at the hospital. The next day, he walked around the unit talking to himself, saying that EEG machine was communicating with him.
He was given antipsychotic medication and his hallucinations subsided two days later. He was released on medication five days later, a week later he recovered and returned to work.
Another case describes a 42-year-old man suffering from a horrific fraud that initiated on the day he got his Pfizer mRNA vaccine and a 57-year-healthy man who was admitted to the psychiatric emergency medical unit after he attempted suicide after three days of taking the vaccine.
Symptoms of dementia began the evening he received the vaccine, when he became irritable, sleepless, and began talking to himself and developed “nihilistic delusions”.
This phenomenon has also been reported in children. A report addressed to the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) describes a 13-year-old girl who developed “extremely elevated anxiety, nonstop worries and fears, irrational thoughts, OCD thoughts and behaviors” that materialized after Pfizer injection in June.
Another child, who had a tingling sensation in his limbs and sharp electric-like-jolts of pain in his brain, would lay under the blanket for hours, terrified of the world, having difficulty sleeping, tics, anger outbursts and often stared blankly.
He was later diagnosed with “autoimmune encephalitis” and could not take care of himself and now needed a full-time caregiver.
Other VAERS reports explain that the lives of young people are being ruined. One woman reported that her 28-year-old son was forced to get the vaccine by his employer and was hospitalized for two days after receiving his first dose of Pfizer.
After the shot he fell into “such a severe state of psychosis that he tried to jump out of my vehicle going 40 miles an hour.” She reported that they have been living in ““pure hell” since receiving the vaccine.
A 48-year-old Tennessee woman who took the Pfizer vaccine said she had a psychotic episode on the same day.
“I literally thought I was going to drive myself and my nephew to Heaven… I left the house without a phone and drove all the way to where my vehicle ran out of gas. I was apprehended by the highway patrol and taken to the local hospital”.
The woman said she refused to eat, drink or sleep because of the paranoia of the thoughts that people were trying to kill her and had to stay in the hospital for two days. She was put to sleep under medication and woke up to be cured.
World Health Organization’s global drug database of adverse drug events, VigiBase, lists 121,559 cases of psychiatric disorders following COVID vaccine administration. These include:
Some of the rare reports on VigiBase include 213 reports of near-death experience after vaccination, 57 suicides, and 25 cases of “exploding head syndrome” – a condition in which people hear loud noises such as explosions, gunshots or cymbals clanging as though it is right next to them, often making them as though they were sleepy or on the cusp of waking up; but it is not real.
British Yellow Card adverse event reporting data alone includes 26,916 psychiatric disorders following COVID vaccination.
“The virus that causes COVID (SARS-CoV-2) is known to trigger a powerful immune response, which includes the release of large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines,” noted New York researchers in their case report.
“It has been hypothesized that a COVID-19 triggered cytokine storm may increase the risk of psychosis.” They cited 42 reported cases of psychotic behavior following COVID infection. Similarly, schizophrenia has been linked to inflammation in the recent research. Vaccination, designed to trigger an inflammatory reaction, can also go wrong.
A 2018 study of 41 people of college age looking at some inflammatory markers before and after taking the vaccination found that 41 seniors in college after receiving influenza vaccine found that those with high levels of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) after vaccination were prone to showing signs of severe depressive symptoms.
In a 2017 pilot study, researchers at Yale University School of Medicine and the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine reviewed vaccine records and found that children diagnosed with neuropsychiatric anorexia nervosa, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and tic nervous system, may have have been vaccinated more recently than controlled children.
Meanwhile, nerve disorder Guillain Barre Syndrome has been officially added as a side effect for the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine branded as Covishield in India.
As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, a shocking study revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively.
The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins.
The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.
Read more at: GreatGameIndia.com
Tagged Under: anxiety, biowar, confusion, COVID, disorders, hallucination, mental health, neurology, spike protein, suicide, vaccine, vaccine damage, Vaccine injuries, vaccine side effects, vaccine wars, vaccines
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