12/17/2021 / By News Editors
1. The Spanish Flu H1N1 killed 50 million people and ran from Spring 1918 to Fall 1920, 2 winters. It was aggravated by the poor health of the soldiers and civilians caused by WW1.
2. The 1957 H2N2 Asian flu pandemic killed 1.1 million people. it reached herd immunity in April 1958 after taking off in China in March 1957. It took 13 months to reach herd immunity. The peak death rate in the UK was 600 per week in October 1957. No significant vaccination program occurred (Maurice Hilleman at Merck produced a small number vaccines)
3. The 1968 H3N2 Hong Kong flu pandemic killed between 1 and 4 million people and lasted from July 1968 to winter 1969/70. It took 18 months to reach herd immunity. It covered two winter flu seasons in the West. No significant vaccination program occurred (Maurice Hilleman at Merck produced a small number vaccines)
4. The Amish in Pennsylvania who refuse vaccines (and computers) were first infected with Covid19 Wuhan Alpha in March 2020. They appear to have reached herd immunity in March 2021, after 12 months.
“There has never been a flu pandemic that lasted beyond 2 winters.”
By a concerned reader
(Article republished from DailyExpose.uk)
Herd immunity has always kicked in by then. We are now in the 2nd winter of the Covid19 pandemic. But no expert is predicting that the pandemic will end by the spring. Something different, something abnormal has therefore occurred this time around. Something abnormal has prevented Herd Immunity from being reached. That something is genetic vaccination. A gene therapy sold as a vaccination.
But rather than hastening our journey towards Herd Immunity. It has delayed that journey. Indeed the only groups who have reached herd immunity are the Amish who do not take vaccines, and countries such as India who did not initially take vaccines but instead chose therapeutics such as Ivermectin. Here is the latest comparison between the UK (most vaccinated), the US (less vaccinated) and India (least vaccinated)
Could there be a clearer scientific demonstration from real world data the vaccines prevent Herd Immunity from being reached?
So let us now declare the truth and set ourselves free from the Covid19 lies of Big Pharma.
FACT CHECK: Genetic vaccinations prevent us reaching herd immunity.
FACT CHECK: Genetic vaccinations cannot possibly wane in efficiency after 2 or 3 months because vaccinations train your immune system to recognise an antigen and to raise its alert level to simulate a systemic infection for the first 14 days after injection, and then their job is completed. Indeed that is why the stats for vaccinated people are counted from 14 days after vaccination and why at risk people are advised to self isolate for 14 days after vaccination. After 14 days there is nothing more for the vaccine to do. It cannot therefore wane in later months. This is absolutely known by everyone in Immunology. The waning in efficiency occurs in your immune system, not in the vaccines. That is how they prevent us reaching herd immunity.
FACT CHECK: The reduction in efficacy of your immune system not only prevents vaccinated people reaching herd immunity it also gives them a form of AIDS, Lets call it VAIDS: Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
FACT CHECK: Genetic vaccines, by reducing the efficacy of your immune system, make you more likely to catch and to transmit covid19 not less. You are safer in a restaurant full of unvaccinated people than you are eating with the vaccinated.
FACT CHECK: Vaccine Passports are a fraud. The bearers of them have vaccine damaged immune systems and are therefore more likely to infect you than the unvaxxed who have have normal immune systems but no passport.
“Genetic vaccines do not wane in efficiency. They cause your immune system to wane in efficiency.”
Here is Dr Richard Flemming’s recent characterisation of the damage being done to our immune systems by genetic vaccines
“Not only do these vaccines not work if you look at the Emergency Use Authorisations. But the data clearly shows that they are suppressing our immune system. They are suppressing our production of interferon. They are depressing our production of key helper T cells. When people are given Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and then given an influenza vaccine they are not mounting an influenza immune response. It is blunted.
We know that the T cells, the critical cells in the inate system go down after the first Pfizer vaccine shot. We know that natural immunity, person to person immunity, is long lasting provides memory cells up front, it provides not only IgM (Immunoglobulin Mu antibodies) and IgG (Immunoglobulin Gamma antibodies) but it provides the critical IgA antibody for our lungs and our Gastro Intestinal tract. We know that if you’ve been exposed to inlfuenza or cytomegalovirus you probably already have some natural immunity. And what we now know most recently is that I have told people these vaccines only picked out the spike protein of the SARS CoV Wuhan HU1 variant (Wuhan alpha) and so the further away we have gotten from that the more we have put a pressure selection on the delta variant and the mu and the lambda variants but here is the thing…
What we now know is that the greatest natural immunity to this virus comes off the nucleocapsid component of it (not the spike protein) which you can only get if you get it from person to person (transmission), that data just recently came out. So they are not even vaccinating for the right bloody part of the virus to begin with and like I’ve said before we have always done vaccines where we have taken all the variants with all the parts and injected that into you so your body and make an immune response to all the variants and all the parts. So that it bloody well works. This is the most – this is Jurassic park literally. They were given the tools by people that they stood on the shoulders of. Some of it was work that I did that they literally stole out of the work I was doing in the early 1990s on inflammation where they used that Shi Zeng lee used that to help formulate how she was gonna put that glycoprotein 120 there” – Dr. Richard Flemming in Brighteon Conversations. – www.lordswitnesses.net/downloads/Flemming1.mp4
Dr. Flemming is pointing out that a vaccine against the spike protein (12% of the proteins in the virus) of one obsolete variant of a flu – is almost completely pointless. What is needed is a vaccine against all the proteins of all the variants of Covid. That is how the annual flu vaccines actually work. Although each year they are out of date before they are administered, being designed against the previous years variants – which is why they are not fully effective. The trouble is that the flu mutates more quickly than we can design new vaccines and get approval for them.
The Pfizer and Moderna shots are pathetic attempts at a vaccine. But they are really good attempts at persistent gene therapy which ensure that the immune system diverts massive amounts of resources to fight a civil war against their continuous spike production. A genetic booster shot containing the genes to produce the Wuhan alpha spike protein is the wrong type of vaccine designed against the wrong component of the wrong variant of the virus. Nobody is suffering from Wuhan alpha anymore. Nobody should be taking that shot today.
Humetrix AI DOD study of 5.6m Medicare recipients over 65 shows that breakthrough infection rates 5-6 months after vaccination are twice as high as they were 3-4 months after vaccination
The graph above is displaying the progressive destruction of the immune systems of the vaccinated. People with recent vaccinations were the most resistant to Delta. People with older vaccinations were less resistant. In fact we can see their immune systems getting weaker and weaker week by week. It is that progressive weakness that is preventing the vaccinated from reaching herd immunity. They are immuno compromised. They have VAIDS – www.lordswitnesses.net/downloads/Humetrix1.pdf
The Herd Immunity Equation
(100-Individual Immunity%) x R0 < 100 for the end of a Pandemic and for reaching Herd Immunity.
R0 for Wuhan Alpha was said to be around 3-4. So we need 67%-75% individual immunity for the end of that pandemic
R0 for the Indian Delta is now said to be around 5. So we need 80% individual immunity for the end of that pandemic
R0 for Omicron will be around 10-20 (because it is overtaking Delta at least twice as quickly as Delta replaced Wuhan Alpha and Beta). So we need 90-95% individual immunity to end the Omicron Pandemic
Omicron is much more infectious than Delta which was considerably more infectious than Alpha and Beta.
Even if we had 100% vaccination rates, the vaccines were 95% effective against Wuhan alpha 14 days after vaccination. But Pfizer was only 39% effective against Delta in July in Israel – https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/23/delta-variant-pfizer-covid-vaccine-39percent-effective-in-israel-prevents-severe-illness.html.
And a recent South African study found Pfizer to be 23% effective against Omicron – https://www.infowars.com/posts/pfizer-jab-is-only-23-effective-against-omicron-south-african-study-finds/ Although these numbers are meaningless because the effectiveness reduces at around 5% per week from around 6 weeks after the shot all the way to minus 100% (total immune failure). So one is basically measuring how old the shot is as much as anything else.
In fact the vaccines drop to zero efficacy around 5 months after vaccination and then go negative. So they have absolutely no chance whatsoever of stopping an Omicron Pandemic which requires 100% vaccination and 90-95% effectiveness!
The Wuhan alpha spike protein boosters will not be anywhere near 90-95% effective against Omicron, even at peak effectiveness 14 days after vaccination. They are the wrong calibre weapon for Omicron. The only chance we have is natural immunity. Without doubt we should be focussing on therapeutics not vaccines. Taking a Wuhan Alpha booster against Omicron is completely pointless unless you buy into the non sequitur that a vaccine which does not reduce viral load can lessen the severity of a viral infection. But PHS data shows that doubly vaccinated Delta cases are 5x more likely to die than unvaccinated Delta cases – https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/12/01/authorities-are-manipulating-death-rate-figures/
Omicron is plainly man made
The Delta variant is doing fine. There are, at the time of writing, over 800,000 delta infections in the UK. Covid has absolutely no need to perform 32 further mutations in order to stay relevant. It was doing fine without any mutations beyond Delta. There was almost no variant pressure on Delta. So why are we seeing a new variant (Omicron) with 32 mutations all of a sudden? It took 11 years for the Asian flu H2N2 to mutate into the Hong Kong flu H3N2. And that mutation was absolutely necessary for the flu to become relevant again. So under the most extreme pressure, nature took 11 years to produce a variant. But here, today, under almost no pressure, we get a variant with 32 mutations?
This variant has appeared at the perfect time to ruin Christmas in the West and thereby maintain the power of government psyops. And it provides the perfect platform for a 4th booster shot designed against Omicron rather than against Wuhan Alpha. How convenient for the business model of Pfizer and Moderna. Booster uptake was a bit slow was it? This is all feeling very much like the PC virus and antivirus business model. In that case ALL the viruses are man made. Every single one of them. Didn’t Bill Gates formulate the Global Vaccine Action Plan in 2010 with Tony Fauci?
2010: The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2010/12/global-health-leaders-launch-decade-of-vaccines-collaboration.
The Leadership Council is comprised of:
Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO;
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health;
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director for UNICEF;
Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Chair of the International Advisory Committee and Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance
Dr. Tachi Yamada, President of Global Health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
How long will it be before we all need security updates to our immune systems as often as PCs need security updates to Windows?
Here is how to end the Covid19 pandemic
1. Terminate all genetic vaccinations immediately
2. Terminate all gain of function research immediately and lock up anybody involved in it – past, present and future.
3. Wait for 12 months..
The Pandemic will not end until all genetic vaccination and all gain of function research ends.
“We must stop pretending that the vaccines are the fix, when the science is screaming to us that they are the problem.”
But it is not only science that is screaming at us. For God himself has a word or two to say on the subject
1. A corona virus of spike proteins is a crown of thorns. That was the last abuse meted out to the Messiah before he was crucified wearing that crown.
2. COVID19 = 100+0+5+1+500+1+9 = 616, the number of the beast of Revelation13 in the oldest biblical manuscript P115 and in the Ephraemi Rescriptus Codex. Global vaccine passports will be the Mark of the Beast.
3. 6 And the 7 angels came out of the temple, having the 7 plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
7 And one of the four beasts gave unto the 7 angels 7 golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.
8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the 7 plagues of the 7 angels were fulfilled. (Revelation 15 KJV)
1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the 7 angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. (Revelation 16 KJV)
“There is no more golden a vial than the mRNA vaccine vial, the most lucrative pharmaceutical ever created”
There will be 7 shots of the covid vaccines before the kingdom of God is installed over mankind at the end of the world. These shots are the final expression of the anger of the demons at losing their rulership over mankind to Jesus and to his father Jehovah.
There are also 7 vials of the anger of God, the last 7 of the 10 greater plagues of Egypt upon all the false Gods of this system of things: Money, Status, Celebrity, Corrupted Science, Corrupted Technology, Wokery etc. These are not the vaccine vials.
The divine and the satanic threads are both represented by the same set of words. That is the classic knot that we have to untie to understand the account.
Israeli health ministry advisory committee member and Deputy chief of Israel’s biggest hospital Prof Arnon Afek on December 6. – https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1467787328294993924
4. 14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3 KJV)
The vaccines are the snake bite in the battle of the seeds a fang for a jab. When you see the vaccinated persecuting the unvaccinated you are seeing the seed of the serpent persecuting the seed of the woman, which seed is the sons of the Kingdom. For the gene therapy vaccines alter one’s genes to make one the seed of the serpent, which is the seed of Cain, the son of the serpent. For Cain means spike or spear in Hebrew. Whereas the unvaxxed are still adamic and so are the seed of the woman, who was from Adam’s rib, not from the serpent. But fear not ye vaccinated ones for we are saved not by our genes but by our actions, by our love and by our faith. Being vaccinated, being Cainian rather than adamic, being Spikian in your genes, just makes it easier for Satan to test you .It does NOT deny you salvation.
Here’s how you pass the test that is about to come upon mankind…
1. Take no more vaccines.
2. Reject the vaccine passport. It is the Mark of the Beast.
3. Do not discriminate, persecute, segregate or abuse unvaccinated people. Rather love them and demonstrate your humanity towards them. Do not support governments or corporations or clubs or families or people when they discriminate against the unvaxxed. For the unvaxxed are the true uncorrupted seed (genetically at the least).
When you see them sick and in prison and hungering and thirsting and naked and displaced – look after them, love them and Jesus will repay you for that love with citizenship in the Kingdom of God. For that is the test of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 and the hour of the test of Revelation3. For the unvaxxed, being the true seed, are Jesus’ brothers. And the serpent is the corrupter of the true seed with gene therapy vaccines.
Read more at: DailyExpose.uk
Tagged Under: Big Pharma, biological weapons, covid19, history, immune system, immunity, pandemic, pharmaceutical fraud, research, spike protein, vaccine, vaccine damage, Vaccine injuries
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